
Bus driver caught reading Kindle

For the second time this year another bus driver has been caught reading a book wile driving the bus on the highway. The kid that was filming the bus driver said that he was holding the wheel with one hand and using a kindle with the other. The reason that the passenger filmed the bus driver was because he was paying more attention to the kindle then the road. He would read on straightaway's and even in the middle of turns. The driver mentioned that the kid was not allowed to take his picture wile driving but the thing is he really wasn't driving by definition.

Hers a question for you to think about Just because driving a bus may not be the most exciting thing in the world would you risk the lives of 25 kids for your own boredom? I personally think this is a serious issue reading wile driving is up there with driving drunk or watching a movie will driving. In this case it is even more serious because there is a bus full of kids. You think you would have the common sense to be extra carful just because of that fact that there are kids in the bus. Thankfully the kid who had taken to video showed someone and it was reported and the bus driver was fired so he would no longer put tons of kids lives on the line.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with Luc why would a careless, selfish bus driver risk the lives of innocent children just so he can relieve his boredom for a drive on the school bus? If the bus driver is bored and feels like reading then why doesn't the bus driver get a new and interesting job so children don't have to be at risk of dying due to a probable bus accident. This would result in both the children and the bus driver winning because the children are safe and the bus driver will be satisfied with the new job. This also reminds me of the issue about whether or not people should be allowed to be paid for overtime hours due to the fear of quality in their work, which is related to this issue. In the end the self-centered bus driver here wasn't caring for the children and didn't realize the enormous risk he or she was putting the children in.
